Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Is 2016 Going to be Your Year?

Is 2016 going to be your year, or is it going to be a rehash of 2015?
Interesting question isn't it?

When you look back at 2015, didn't time just fly by?

As you get older the time seems to increase in speed doesn't it?  I made the mistake of blinking and 2015 is over.

What did I/you accomplish?  Certainly not what I wanted to that's for sure.  I'm not going to get down on myself (and neither should you) because that isn't helpful at all.  2015 wasn't a total waste.  I did learn a lot about myself, and people, and relationships (it was priceless).  I believe that you can't put a price on that, as long as you don't make the same mistakes over and over again (that's Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity isn't it?).  What does 2016 have in store for you?  Do you have a picture of it in your mind?  Did you write down what you want to accomplish?

I'll let you in on a little secret: If you don't have a picture of what you want to do, and write it down, or make a vision board, do you think 2016 might look exactly like 2015?

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Leonard Nimoy

When a woman asked Leonard Nimoy, " Are you aware that you [as Spock] are the source of erotic dream material for thousands and thousands of women around the world?" He replied, " May all of your dreams come true."

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Jim Rohn/Leadership

Did you know that the Cancer Full Moon is on December 25th this year (Christmas Day?) the las time this happened was 38 years ago in December 25,1977.
Are you feeling a little extra sensitive, emotional, spiritual, or intuitive? If so; you definitely want to set boundaries for negative people, toxic people that are either in your life or that come into your life. People that bring you down or lower your vibration. Take better care of yourself. Eat better, exercise, and get the right amount of rest. Don't get bummed about this, get excited . This New Year coming up is going to be amazing (If you want it to be.)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

3 Types of People

                  There are 3 types of people:

1. People who make it happen
2. People who talk about what happened

3. People who wonder what happened.

Which one are you, (Be honest)

Which one do you want to be?

Which one are you going to be. (Make a decision)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Do You Want More?

Do you want more? More time, more freedom, more peace,more friends, more relationships, more money, more???????
You can at any point in time you know. How you ask? By going within. Go within yourself, and go to work on being a better you, a calmer you, a happier you. One that doesn't need anything or anybody to make yourself complete or whole. Most of us, myself included have been working outside, in. How's that been working for you? Is it possibly time for a change?
You will see amazing changes in your life by going inward.
Are you over working, over promising, over thinking things? Throttle back, and get in touch with yourself. The world isn't going to fall apart if you do. When you do throttle back, you'll have time to think, and do the internal work necessary to become an even greater "you." I know that this might seem strange,  yet I encourage you to try it. You've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Do You Want to Help Others?

                                            Do You Want to Help Others?
                           ~ Can you help a sick person if you're sick yourself?
                           ~ Can you help a poor person by being poor yourself?
                          ~ Can you help a depressed person by being depressed yourself?
                          ~ Can you help a _______ person by being _______ yourself?
                                     I believe these are life changing questions.
                                           Think about these questions deeply. 
                       My intent is only to plant a seed in you so you might help someone else..

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Supreme Happiness

"The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
~ Victor Hugo
                                  For some reason I was drawn to this song.
                     Thanks to Ruth Kavanagh and Fred May for " Caladonia Resistance."
                                                        Enjoy the song.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


"We would rather be ruined than change. 
 We would rather die in our dread
 than climb the cross of the moment and let our illusions die."
  ~ W.H. Auden,  Anglo-American Poet

What health illusions are holding you back at this moment?

Think hard.

Remember that the illusions may seem very real. They can be quite the "tricksters."
Are you counting calories, or are you counting chemicals in the so called food that you eat?
Are they nourishing calories, or empty calories that you are consuming?  Do you still feel hungry after eating?
Are you overweight or underweight?
Is your body trying to send you a signal that, hey, you haven't given it the nutrients that you need to keep YOU going in a healthy way that you were meant to be going?

There are so many stories and 'experts' in the media and all around us.  Every second person has an opinion on what has worked for them and therefore, what they claim you need to do also!

The information 'out there' is like a buffet / smorgasboard.  Try what looks / sounds good to you.  If you don't like it, don't have any more.  If it feels good, keep going.  I mean if it deeply feels good - like it resonates with your soul and not just your taste buds!  Ask questions and keep sampling!  Our bodies are always changing depending on our age, emotions, circumstances and desires.  What has worked for you for the past year or so, might not be what you need right now.  What if you saw your friend fall into ill health because they don't want to change something. Would you say something? What would you say?
How about your best friend (You.) What would you say to yourself?

When it comes to your body...this temple of your soul...what is the most important thing to you?

Remember that you have ALL the answers that you need inside of you.

All you need to do is ask, listen, and do.

Empower yourself.

Repeat after me:
~ I can do this!

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. 

Focus on the fact that you are willing to learn something new. Then watch the miracles unfold before your eyes. 

How does that feel?

~ We can do this.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Time for a Change?

You know I think most of us have it backwards, myself included. 

We have been waiting for life to open up to us, when in fact, life has been waiting for us to open up. 

Have you been waiting for a wonderful, loving expression of life to show up, or is it us that should be that wonderful, loving expression?

Are we searching for that wisdom and intelligence in the field of infinite possibilities wondering where it is, instead of trusting all that is and could ever be is waiting patiently for us to get our act together?

If what we are doing now isn't working, then I wonder; isn't it time for a change?

We can do this.....

Monday, October 12, 2015

Are You a Field of Energy?

Are we fields of energy?
Some would say "yes, absolutely" others might say "rubbish".
Your body is a minuscule fraction of who you really are. You think that your body is the main focus that makes us up don't you? If it's NOT our body that "makes" us up, then what is it?
Could it be that our frequency, energy, and vibration (which by the way is the foundation OF EVERYTHING), that we can't see, feel, or touch (because we're not evolved enough yet), is the cornerstone of life itself?!
Don't believe it?

What makes our heart beat? It's an electrical charge isn't it? How does it beat without us thinking about it?

How about our breathing?

How does our skin replace itself or heal itself?

Even though we look different on the outside, aren't we all the same on the inside?

How about an example about energy, frequency, and vibration Cary?
Glad you asked!

I went to college about 35 years ago, and I was thinking about one of my roommates with whom I lost contact with, and really haven't thought about that much over the years.. I thought, what is he up too? Did he get married, does he have children, etc...?

It was one day later that I got a message on Facebook from him! Here's the real goosebumps on the arm moment. He doesn't get on fb very much, and he literally lives half way around the world. I know that fb has been around for years, yet the kicker is the synchronicity of the event, isn't it?
Talk about freaky. WOW!
When we spoke, he said that he had just been thinking about me, and was wondering what I've been up to. When we started talking it was as if we had just seen each other a couple of days ago, not 35 years ago! (This is where you insert the "Twilight Zone music.")
Has something like this happened to you? Have you put an intention out there to the ether and has it show up in your life? If you said no, may I suggest that you try it? Become more aware of what you're thinking about, and more importantly, what you say to yourself and see what is attracted into your life.
Believe it or not, we are cell towers aren't we? We send out, and receive energy, vibrations, and different frequencies don't we?
Don't believe me? What is or isn't in your life right now? Do you have the relationship you want?Why do you keep attracting the things that you do, or don't want?
Have you ever said, why does this (always) happen to me?
What are you constantly saying to yourself or others? Is there lack or abundance in your life? Is there hate or good intentions in your thoughts or verbal words and actions? What is it that you truly want in life?
Write it down. Most people, myself included, say that I don't need to write it down because I have it all up here (pointing to their brain).
If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion: If your life is not, or has not worked out the way you "thought" it might, then wouldn't it be time to try something different so you can get a different result?
Could you possibly try the opposite of what most people are doing who haven't gotten or achieved what you want?

Does it really matter what they say?

After all, whose journey is this? Yours or theirs?

You can do this!.... heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon

Time for a Change?

You know I think most of us have it backwards, myself included. 

We have been waiting for life to open up to us, when in fact, life has been waiting for us to open up. 

Have you been waiting for a wonderful, loving expression of life to show up, or is it us that should be that wonderful, loving expression?

Are we searching for that wisdom and intelligence in the field of infinite possibilities wondering where it is, instead of trusting all that is and could ever be is waiting patiently for us to get our act together?

If what we are doing now isn't working, then I wonder; isn't it time for a change?

We can.....

Monday, October 5, 2015

Quotes by Confucius

Quotes by Confucius
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

Respect yourself and others will respect you.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Adele : Rolling in the Deep

Did you know that Adele still gets people who, even though she is highly successful, still have negative comments about/toward her, (haters.)
It's quite pathetic you know.

What do they comment about? They mainly comment about her weight.

This is from Wikipedia:

Adele was criticized by celebrities such as Karl Lagerfeld[139] and Joan Rivers[140] for her weight, but has gained the support of many others, by stating that she is happy with her weight and would only change if it affected her health or sex life.[141] In a 2009 interview, Adele stated: "I like looking nice, but I always put comfort over fashion. I don’t find thin girls attractive; be happy and healthy. I’ve never had a problem with the way I look. I’d rather have lunch with my friends than go to a gym."[21]

Here's the link for the full Wiki article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adele

My point is that whether you are successful or not, you have to keep doing what you are doing no matter what comments come your way. Wish the "haters" well, and move on.
You would think that the more successful you become, the less spew you hear from people. Not true.
So you might as well become successful.

Tip: If you remember anything about this post remember this: The people who are commenting negatively about you or what you are doing (as long as your not hurting anything or anybody,) are USUALLY not successful in their own lives.

Enjoy the song. She really is very talented.



Easy Button

Self-Confidence!  You either have it or you don't.

I didn't say cocky. I said Confident.
Did you know that you can learn to be confident?
Get on YouTube and look it up (Don't be lazy. Invest in yourself.)
Start each day (morning) with your daily dose of confidence. It's a life changer.
Do it for 30 days, and see if I'm wrong!

If you're in sales, mlm, direct selling, or just breathing, as you grow your self confidence, your life will change dramatically for the better!

Have you ever wondered why an immigrant that comes to your country with nothing, and in a very short time becomes well off? I don't. They hustle. They go that extra mile. While everyone else is watching reality TV, or sports, or partying, or whining about how something isn't fair, they're learning how to speak english, and how to run a business, or working on building their business (like an mlm opportunity.)

They don't try a couple of times and quit.
I'm going to be a little hard here.
I think we (myself included) have it too easy, and because of that, we're not more successful, or happier than we could be.

With this financial fertiliser storm coming soon (very soon), it's going to catch most by surprise, and they're going to be screwed. (You think I was hard, just wait.)
If you learn anything, at least learn self-confidence (personal development).

It doesn't matter what you're selling. Even if you don't know much about the product or company, the person (buyer) is buying you, NOT the product or the company. Sure you can drown them in facts until the cows come home (it will also put them to sleep), yet if you aren't sure about yourself first, they're almost never going to buy from you.

BTW: When I speak about buying from you, I'm not just talking about a product. It could be an idea that you're trying to get across. It could be that certain someone that your smitten with.

We do things for 2 reasons:
1. To move away from pain
2. To move toward pleasure

I'll speak about them tomorrow.
Until then: Keep Moving Forward (KMF)


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Act or be Acted Upon

Act or be Acted Upon.

Stephen R. Covey said that as well as:

"It's your responsibility to act in any given situation.
If you wait to be acted upon, you will be acted upon.
Growth and opportunity consequences attend either road."

Wow, is he ever right! Has that ever happened in your life? How did it turn out for you? Probably not as well as you would have liked it to I'm guessing. Has that happened to you (by acting or not acting), in your job, school, with an interaction with a stranger, or in a relationship perhaps?
If you did act, and it turned out well, how did that make you feel? Are you doing that on a consistent basis? If not, why not?

Make a decision as to how you would like your life to unfold. How you would like to live. Who you want to share your life with.

Did you know that you can tell something about your life by the 5 closest friends that you surround yourself with? Ask yourself, do they lift me up, or tear me down? Are they negative or positive in their thinking?  Do they enrich your life, and not ask for anything in return? Are they happy for you when you have a win, or do they try to derail your success?

There are 3 types of people out there.
1. Idea people: They always talk about ideas, and how to make things happen, or how to solve a challenge.
2. Event people: They talk about the events that are happening. Usually they have no control over those events.
3. People who talk about people; people: This type almost always talk about other people especially behind their backs. (Not very empowering or polite.)

Take an inventory of yourself. Which one are you? If you don't like what you see, "act" upon it to change your behaviour.
You NEVER have to stay where you are in your life's journey if you're not happy where you are now.
Make a decision right now. Act upon it. If you don't, you'll always get what you didn't want, won't you?
Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Monday, September 14, 2015

If You Knew...

If you knew when you were going to die, Would you want too know?
                 Why or why not?


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wisdom from Jim Rohn

It seems that every life form on this planet strives toward its maximum potential ... except human beings. A tree does not grow to half its potential size and then say, “I guess that will do.” A tree will drive its roots as deep as possible. It will soak up as much nourishment as it can, stretch as high and as wide as nature will allow, and then look down as if to remind us of how much each of us could become if we would only do all that we can. Jim Rohn — Five Major Pieces To the Life Puzzle


Monday, August 31, 2015

Shaping Your Life

"It's not how we deal with success that will shape our lives, 
it's how we deal with adversity and challenges."
                                                                             ~ Cary Huff

Monday, August 24, 2015


Are you having a challenging day/week/month/year/life?

I believe that I might be able too help make it a little easier for you if you'll allow me.
By changing the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Yes, I know I've talked about this in previous posts yet it's good to have a gentle reminder isn't it?

Take a look at this picture. Do you think he has challenges? Do you think he gets frustrated at life's daily tasks? He needs someone to do everything for him. 

His name is Nick Vujicic.
He's got no arms and no legs.
He's a motivational speaker who travels around speaking to groups and inspiring them to be the best they can be. 

His book,"Attitude is Everything," is a wonderful and an inspiring read. Check him out on YouTube also. 

Sorry, I got carried away. What was it you were saying about the challenges that you were having?

Wanting only the best for you always. 


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Interesting Times

We are living in interesting times aren't we?  Yesterday I spoke about how developing oneself can make it easier to weather any storm, whether it's health related, relationship based, or economically.

Would it be okay if I focus on the economic side today?  It is very important because it's intertwined with everything that we do isn't it?  How would you or your family fare if your applecart was upset? I know that we don't give it much thought do we. What if?????

If you're feeling adventurous, please take a look at this link.  It is an interesting ways to look at things that aren't really talked about.

http://www.plata.com.mx/mplata/articulos/articlesFilt.asp?fiidarticulo=266  (Article)

I would love to have your feedback as to the article.

Just remember that you can either look at this in a negative way, and ignore it, or you can look at this as an opportunity to take control of your life and look for a way to grow and prosper, protect your family, and help others.

We are all in this together.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Are you Doing Enough?

Are you doing enough?

Are you doing enough to keep yourself healthy and in shape? I know for me it's a never ending journey.

How about with your personal development? For me I'd have to say that this area I'm doing very well indeed , yet it always wasn't that way. At least I started though. That's the key. You're never too young or to old. Just start. It is the biggest gift you can give yourself, and others.

You are worthy.

By personally developing oneself, you will see that it crosses over into every area of your life. It will help you when you are down in the dumps and having a challenge. You won't stay there long because you have trained your mind and body to help you find the answers because you asked the right questions. You will also find that after you get started on your journey, that you look forward to growing yourself. Not because you HAVE to, but because you WANT to. Big difference.

How about in a relationship? When it's going well, and you're in love, it's easy isn't it? How about when the love of your life either leaves you, divorces you, or dies? How easy is it now? As my brother used to say, " going from one door to another is easy, yet sometimes it's hell in the hallways."
Boy oh boy was he smart.

It's easy to do well, and be positive when the economy is doing well isn't it? What about if the economy isn't doing well. Can you still still do well? What happens if you lose your job, or lose your source of income, or your retirement fund isn't there, or???? Take a moment an think, really think about those last 2 questions. What would you do? What is your Plan B?

Most people that I talk too think that things are just not right around the world. They can't quite put their finger on it, yet they have this nagging feeling. Do you have that feeling?

By growing yourself first, you can weather any storm so to speak at any time whether it's a relationship challenge or economic, or....

You're probably wondering where all of this is going, and why have I lumped personal and physical development into the mix. I just want the best for you no matter what happens in your life, your health, or the economy. That you'll be ready for anything that comes along. Are you?

This isn't being negative. This is just asking questions that a lot of people don't ask.  Is that wrong?


Tuesday, August 18, 2015



If this doesn't give you motivation then nothing will.

Make a movie in your mind as to what you want to do or become.

It's okay if your scared or nervous. Embrace that feeling. Make friends with it, yet don't tolerate it's bad behavior.

You are the one who's on the bike, and what ever is holding you back or stopping you from getting what you want, or becoming what you've always wanted is symbolised by the bear.

The bear is gaining on you. Time to kick it into another gear.

What are you going to do?

I will _________, until I __________.

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the Blanks.

I will ______________, until I _____________.

You can change your life by filling in the blanks.


Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Consistent Basis

"A consistent man believes in destiny, a capricious man in chance."
Benjamin Disraeli
What are you doing on a consistent daily basis to better yourself and to be more than you were yesterday?

If your not getting the results in your life that you want or need, may I suggest that you take an inventory of what exactly it is that your doing everyday. Write it down on paper. Be honest with yourself. Look at what you've written down, and see where you can make improvements. 

I only want the best for you. 

Do you want the best for yourself? Prove it!
Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Helping Others

By helping another, you help yourself.
It feels really good.
Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Do You Want a Raise/Promotion?

Do You Want a Raise/Promotion?

What is your business value?

The way  business value is mostly meausured is (on your job), by the amount you make per hour isn't it?

I was watching a video (I always making it a habit to learn something new everyday), about Jim Rohn.  For those of you that aren't familiar with Jim Rohn, he was Tony Robbins' mentor. Jim was all about Personal Development, and bettering himself everyday.

Anyway Jim said that it's a misnomer that people get paid by the hour. They get paid by the value that they bring to the job/company. What an interesting way to look at that isn't it? I never though of it that way, yet he's right.

How do you get a raise if you're working at a job? - Bring more value to the company.  Do more than is asked of you. Be indispensable. Go above and beyond. Stand out from the herd so to speak. You will get noticed and be rewarded. Your probably asking what if I don't get that raise that I deserve? Good question. 

If you are personally developing yourself everyday, bringing more value to yourself (1st), then to the company, then an opportunity will be presented to you because you are constantly asking these 4 magic words to yourself, "Is this an Opportunity?"

You might have an idea that propels the company higher, or makes it save x amount of dollars, or advertise it in a new/different way, or here's a way to be more efficient, or....

Focus on increasing your value, and your success will be assured. It may not be with that company. Keep your mind open to other options.

Another way to look at your value in the grand scheme of things is noticing that most peoples average income in the US is $52,000 a year.  Not bad you say. Over 30 years that works out to approximately $1.5 Million dollars. Pretty good you say. Let me ask you a question. If you made $1.5 Million working for someone, how much did you make your boss or company????

Do you want more money? Prove it. Not to me, but to yourself.

Please feel free to comment and share. You don't know who this could help.

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Helping Others

Helping others
I don't know of anyone who doesn't like to help others in any capacity, do you?
It also feels darn good, doesn't it?

One of the reasons I post a lot about personal development is to help others remember...remember the things they might have forgotten while living a full life. It also helps me be a better, more effective me.
Case in point, I wanted to help and donate things to the AWL (Animal Welfare League), which helps our friends who can't speak, and need a helping hand every once and awhile.
I wondered how I could be more effective in my donations, how they can be stretched further.
It came to me when I saw 21 cases of Coke that was on sale at a store called K Mart. They wanted $8 a case for them (normally in Australia, they are $30 a case :P). Well I'm 'Mr.I like to buy things in bulk' (I don't know where I got that from, lol,) so I bought them all.
I knew that the AWL sold single cans of cold coke for $1.50 each.
1 case had 24 cans in it, and I bought a case for $8 x 21 cases.
I'll let you do the math as to how well they will do financially. 
How can you help I can hear you say?
How about when you go into a grocery store, and they have items on sale for 1/2 off, say spagetti sauce.or pasta, or something else.
Why not buy a case (which might have 8 or 10 jars of sauce in it), and you'll get the other case for FREE. Yes you'll have to pay for that other case, yet you're getting it for 1/2 off so it's just like you would be paying retail like you normally would.
Take that "extra" case of spaghetti sauce, and donate it to a soup kitchen, a church, a neighbor or family in need.
Is this an opportunity?
You bet. It helps someone out that might not have been helped out (giving), and it makes you feel good because you're helping another animal or human.
Please share this post because it might put an idea into someone's mind as to help others.
Love to all.
Keep Moving Forward KMF

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Breaking all the Rules

Break all the Rules

"Break ALL the rules, NOT the Laws, but the Rules."
 Arnold Schwarzenegger

You have to break all of the rules if you want to get somewhere you've never been. If you keep playing by the same rules that got you where you are, You're going to get the same results you've always gotten.

Is that what you want?
Of course not.
This could be your big enough why.

Scared? Good, yet change that word to excited. Guard how you speak to yourself.
Is it empowering? If not, change it.

If you want to have a change in your life then right now is a great time to start.

One of my mentors is Robert Hollis​. He is amazing. Yes, he's in MLM, yet don't let the fact that he's in MLM close your mind to bettering yourself.
 He's ALL about personal development.
You should check out some of his videos. Look him up on FB.

Most people say that a parachute is most effective when it's open isn't it?
It's kinda like the mind, it's most effective when it's open.

Ask yourself, Is this an opportunity?

Is this an opportunity to change my life?

If so, then open the parachute.

Please share this with your friends who might need a lift in life. Those who are struggling. Those who are lost, and need direction in their lives. You can be that help.

Am I selling anything? Yes. I'm selling the fact that you have the power to change either your life or someone else life. The cost? $0, yet if you don't do something about it, it will cost you more than you know.
I believe in you. Do you believe in yourself? If not, let's take the journey together. You are not alone.

Keep Moving Forward KMF

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Suspend Disbelief, and act as if your success is certain, and boldly march towards it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Have you helped anyone or anything at all today?

Do you remember in the past when you did help, how you felt?

I'll bet it was pretty good wasn't it? A sense of accomplishment as well as satisfaction.

My wife, daughter, and youngest son were out this morning, and we went to a coffee shop right across the street from the beach. It was so beautiful.

 I am grateful for my health, my never ending journey to better myself, my wife's and children's health, as well as the love for we all have for each other.

As we sat waiting for our coffee, a young female waitress brought our drinks to us. We could tell that she wasn't from Australia. After she left our table, I turned to my wife, daughter, and son, and asked them where they thought see was from. We all took our best guess. Two of us thought she was from France, one thought that she was from Middle Eastern area , one said Barcelona Spain. We took everything into account about her. Her accent, features, skin and hair color. When she came back to the table we asked her, and she said she was from Brazil. She had to leave right away because she had other customers to attend to.

When she came back she was smiling, and she brought a pitcher of water with mint inside of it to our table. She had more time to talk so we were asking questions about how she liked it here, and how long she was staying, and what did she like about Australia. As she was speaking, I asked her what her goals and dreams were. She said she didn't know. Fair enough because how many of us truly do?
We were talking about the economy, and asked what it was like in Brazil. She said she worked 60 hours a week, and that her pay was $500 a month. $500 A MONTH to live on. Think about that for a moment. She was very concerned that when she went back that she wouldn't be able to find any work as most of her friends don't have a job, and no prospects of getting a job anytime soon, and on top of all of that, the price of everything is going up via inflation.

I thought about it for a moment as my wife asked her some questions. I thought how can I be of help. When it was my turn to speak, I asked her if she ever heard of Network Marketing, MLM, Direct Sales etc.... She said she had not. I suggested that she look into it when she gets back to Brazil, because of the many wonderful products available, the low cost entry point, how she can earn an extra income, and she can help her friends and family either financially, or offering the opportunity to them as to making an extra income.

You should have seen the look of hope she had on her face! It was priceless! The fact that she has an opportunity to earn any money let alone an extra income, and to help her family and friends in the process.

I didn't tell her about my company or product or anything. I can see and hear some of you in MLM now screaming and pulling your hair out, (that would be an interesting visual).

I suggested to her that she look into all of the different companies and products BEFORE she made a decision. Again I can hear the screaming, and see the hair pulling. Hahahaha.

I gave her my card which has my name, phone number and my website on it, caryhuff.com, and told her that if she goes to the website, she will see inspiring and uplifting posts. She was most appreciative.

When she gets to my website, she won't see anywhere that I'm trying to "sell" her something. Next week I will have a link thought where someone can go to see an opportunity if they so desire.

My point is this. I didn't come from the point of what she could do for me, I came from the view of what can I do for her. To be helpful to her, not me.

I have to say, it felt really good.

So what have you done today to help someone or something?

It can be as simple as a smile, a kind word, listening to someone - really listening to them, picking up  a piece of trash whether someone is looking or not, giving something and expecting nothing in return.
Now that's beautiful because we all need more kindness, compassion, and love in our lives, and guess what, it starts with us.

Please feel free to share, copy and paste and call it your own. I give you all permission until further notice.

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Sunday, August 2, 2015


We must ALL suffer 1 of 2 things, either the pain of discipline,
or the pain of regret.
Jim Rohn
Discipline yourself to have the life you want, or don't complain when you don't get it because you were afraid of what someone else might think or say to you, or because your lazy, and would rather watch TV, or drink or eat yourself into a stupor, or ??????
Write your goals down, take action, get results.
Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Influences in your life

Who do you surround yourself with?

Do they support you and your dreams, or do they tear you down?

Do you think that this lady in the picture knows what she's talking about?

You know what you need to do.....

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Share the love.

Friday, July 31, 2015



How many decisions do you make a day?

A couple of decisions, hundreds, thousands, 10's of thousands?

We make so many that it's almost impossible to count isn't it?

Did you just make a decision whether to try and count the number of decisions you make, or did you decide not to count?  It could drive you mad couldn't it?  Did you decide to let it drive you mad or.....

Okay, enough fun with that for a bit.

It's when we make decisions, that we find out where we're going.  Good or bad.

Did you have to get up this morning, or did you want to get up?

Did you spring out of bed with absolute joy in your heart because you're passionate about what you're doing, or did you drag yourself out of bed to do the something you do day in and day out?  Going to or doing a job you hate.  Doing it 5, or 6 or maybe 7 days a week?  Rinse and repeat everyday.  When will it end?

It doesn't have to be about a job. It could be about a stay at home Mom, a student, a friend, a partner, etc.....

I say, GET EXCITED, because guess what, you don't have to do that forever if you don't want to!

Excited, because at least you are aware that you don't like the way things are in your life, (most people don't even realise it), and you can decide to change it. Whoo Hoo!!!!!

Make a decision to better your life.  I'm NOT telling you to quit your job, or what ever else you're doing. I just saying that you have an opportunity to change your life!

Don't try to change anyone else.  Change yourself! You'll be amazed at how your life will become the life you've always dreamed about.


Write your goals down, take massive action, look at your results.

It's simple, yet it's not easy.

That's why you need your goals written down so you can look at them many times a day when the going gets tough so you can remind yourself WHY you're doing what you're doing.  Also, when the negative nellies come a calling, you can tell them to take a hike... and believe me they will!  Hint: they don't want you to better yourself... BaHahahaha.

Suggestion: Try this for 30 days. You have nothing to lose except your old life, and everything to gain.

There are 3 types of people in the world:

1. People that make things happen.

2. People that watch things happen.

3. Then there are the people who wonder," What the heck just happened." :P

Which one will you DECIDE to be?

Please feel free to share. 

I'll go even one better, You ALL have my permission to copy and paste or share this and any personal development writing I've posted here until further notice on your own timeline. I encourage it.

 Call it your own. I don't need the credit.

 We just need to get the word out to help each other. Lift each other up. To be a better you.

Who do you know? Who do you know that could use some support or help from you? Who do you know that's struggling with their lives right now? By sharing these inspiring words on your timeline, you don't know how this might help someone. This could be the thing they need to see right now. You can literally help someone better their life.

Share the love.

Civil comments appreciated and welcome always.

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)