Sunday, August 9, 2015

Helping Others

Helping others
I don't know of anyone who doesn't like to help others in any capacity, do you?
It also feels darn good, doesn't it?

One of the reasons I post a lot about personal development is to help others remember...remember the things they might have forgotten while living a full life. It also helps me be a better, more effective me.
Case in point, I wanted to help and donate things to the AWL (Animal Welfare League), which helps our friends who can't speak, and need a helping hand every once and awhile.
I wondered how I could be more effective in my donations, how they can be stretched further.
It came to me when I saw 21 cases of Coke that was on sale at a store called K Mart. They wanted $8 a case for them (normally in Australia, they are $30 a case :P). Well I'm 'Mr.I like to buy things in bulk' (I don't know where I got that from, lol,) so I bought them all.
I knew that the AWL sold single cans of cold coke for $1.50 each.
1 case had 24 cans in it, and I bought a case for $8 x 21 cases.
I'll let you do the math as to how well they will do financially. 
How can you help I can hear you say?
How about when you go into a grocery store, and they have items on sale for 1/2 off, say spagetti sauce.or pasta, or something else.
Why not buy a case (which might have 8 or 10 jars of sauce in it), and you'll get the other case for FREE. Yes you'll have to pay for that other case, yet you're getting it for 1/2 off so it's just like you would be paying retail like you normally would.
Take that "extra" case of spaghetti sauce, and donate it to a soup kitchen, a church, a neighbor or family in need.
Is this an opportunity?
You bet. It helps someone out that might not have been helped out (giving), and it makes you feel good because you're helping another animal or human.
Please share this post because it might put an idea into someone's mind as to help others.
Love to all.
Keep Moving Forward KMF

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