Thursday, August 13, 2015

Do You Want a Raise/Promotion?

Do You Want a Raise/Promotion?

What is your business value?

The way  business value is mostly meausured is (on your job), by the amount you make per hour isn't it?

I was watching a video (I always making it a habit to learn something new everyday), about Jim Rohn.  For those of you that aren't familiar with Jim Rohn, he was Tony Robbins' mentor. Jim was all about Personal Development, and bettering himself everyday.

Anyway Jim said that it's a misnomer that people get paid by the hour. They get paid by the value that they bring to the job/company. What an interesting way to look at that isn't it? I never though of it that way, yet he's right.

How do you get a raise if you're working at a job? - Bring more value to the company.  Do more than is asked of you. Be indispensable. Go above and beyond. Stand out from the herd so to speak. You will get noticed and be rewarded. Your probably asking what if I don't get that raise that I deserve? Good question. 

If you are personally developing yourself everyday, bringing more value to yourself (1st), then to the company, then an opportunity will be presented to you because you are constantly asking these 4 magic words to yourself, "Is this an Opportunity?"

You might have an idea that propels the company higher, or makes it save x amount of dollars, or advertise it in a new/different way, or here's a way to be more efficient, or....

Focus on increasing your value, and your success will be assured. It may not be with that company. Keep your mind open to other options.

Another way to look at your value in the grand scheme of things is noticing that most peoples average income in the US is $52,000 a year.  Not bad you say. Over 30 years that works out to approximately $1.5 Million dollars. Pretty good you say. Let me ask you a question. If you made $1.5 Million working for someone, how much did you make your boss or company????

Do you want more money? Prove it. Not to me, but to yourself.

Please feel free to comment and share. You don't know who this could help.

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

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