Thursday, November 19, 2015

Do You Want More?

Do you want more? More time, more freedom, more peace,more friends, more relationships, more money, more???????
You can at any point in time you know. How you ask? By going within. Go within yourself, and go to work on being a better you, a calmer you, a happier you. One that doesn't need anything or anybody to make yourself complete or whole. Most of us, myself included have been working outside, in. How's that been working for you? Is it possibly time for a change?
You will see amazing changes in your life by going inward.
Are you over working, over promising, over thinking things? Throttle back, and get in touch with yourself. The world isn't going to fall apart if you do. When you do throttle back, you'll have time to think, and do the internal work necessary to become an even greater "you." I know that this might seem strange,  yet I encourage you to try it. You've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

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