Tuesday, July 28, 2015



No matter who you are, no matter what you believe in. If we don't start to come together as human beings, and treat each other, as well as all living things with kindness, compassion, and respect then it's ALL for nothing. 
Look at the way we treat each other. 

How we speak to each other. All of the fighting amongst ourselves. 

Where's the honour, integrity, manners, kindness, and compassion these days?

Look at the way we treat the animals on this planet. 

Look at the way we treat the Earth.

These things I've asked you to look at are unsustainable on our present course.

I read that the commercial fishing on the west coast of the US has been suspended. You won't read about it in the main stream press because they don't want you to know about it. They don't want to frighten you.

How about the collapse of the bee population? If all the bees go; we're gone ourselves. 

How about the Factory Farming that is not only cruel and unusual punishment to the animals, but it's ruining the ecosystem. The chemicals they put into the animals are ruining you. Unsustainable.

I'm not trying to bring anyone down. I'm trying to have you take a look as to what's really going on.

I've been quiet long enough. I care about my family. I care about you. I care about the animals. I care about the planet. Once we ruin this planet, there is NOWHERE ELSE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a link to look at. Check out the 30 minute video, it's the best eye opening thing that you'll see.


There must be a change, and we are the one's to be the start of the change. It has to start somewhere. 

Who do you know? 

Who do you know that you can pass this idea on to? Could you talk about it with your family, friends, co - workers?

Just start.

Keep Moving Forward - KMF

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