In 1519 an explorer named Hernan Cortez landed in Veracruz (Mexico), to begin his great conquest.
He had 600 men, approximately 16 horses, and 11 ships. That's not much considering that in the previous 600 years, better equipped armies had failed at plundering the gold, silver, jewels and other valuable objects that were in Veracruz.
When Cortez and his men landed on the beach they partied for a while drinking lots of rum when suddenly, the men noticed that ALL 11 ships were on fire. As the men watched all 11 ships burn to the water, I wonder what must have been going on in the crews minds.
I'm sure they thought, how are we going to get home.
Cortez looked at his men and said, "We'll fight and be victorious, or fight and die here!" WOW! What a manic he was.
History shows that they fought and WON. It had never been done in the previous 600 years with better equipped armies.
Why? Why did it work?
Because he cut off any other avenue to achieve the result that he wanted.
It's easy to give up or fail when the going gets a little tough. We all hold onto that escape option don't we? Myself included.
We must learn to ACT in spite of those fears.
Set your Goals.
Enjoy the results.
Your success in any area of your life is assured if you follow this principle.
Burn Your Ships!
Tomorrow: Did you know that you can time travel?
Keep Moving Forward.
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