Friday, July 31, 2015



How many decisions do you make a day?

A couple of decisions, hundreds, thousands, 10's of thousands?

We make so many that it's almost impossible to count isn't it?

Did you just make a decision whether to try and count the number of decisions you make, or did you decide not to count?  It could drive you mad couldn't it?  Did you decide to let it drive you mad or.....

Okay, enough fun with that for a bit.

It's when we make decisions, that we find out where we're going.  Good or bad.

Did you have to get up this morning, or did you want to get up?

Did you spring out of bed with absolute joy in your heart because you're passionate about what you're doing, or did you drag yourself out of bed to do the something you do day in and day out?  Going to or doing a job you hate.  Doing it 5, or 6 or maybe 7 days a week?  Rinse and repeat everyday.  When will it end?

It doesn't have to be about a job. It could be about a stay at home Mom, a student, a friend, a partner, etc.....

I say, GET EXCITED, because guess what, you don't have to do that forever if you don't want to!

Excited, because at least you are aware that you don't like the way things are in your life, (most people don't even realise it), and you can decide to change it. Whoo Hoo!!!!!

Make a decision to better your life.  I'm NOT telling you to quit your job, or what ever else you're doing. I just saying that you have an opportunity to change your life!

Don't try to change anyone else.  Change yourself! You'll be amazed at how your life will become the life you've always dreamed about.


Write your goals down, take massive action, look at your results.

It's simple, yet it's not easy.

That's why you need your goals written down so you can look at them many times a day when the going gets tough so you can remind yourself WHY you're doing what you're doing.  Also, when the negative nellies come a calling, you can tell them to take a hike... and believe me they will!  Hint: they don't want you to better yourself... BaHahahaha.

Suggestion: Try this for 30 days. You have nothing to lose except your old life, and everything to gain.

There are 3 types of people in the world:

1. People that make things happen.

2. People that watch things happen.

3. Then there are the people who wonder," What the heck just happened." :P

Which one will you DECIDE to be?

Please feel free to share. 

I'll go even one better, You ALL have my permission to copy and paste or share this and any personal development writing I've posted here until further notice on your own timeline. I encourage it.

 Call it your own. I don't need the credit.

 We just need to get the word out to help each other. Lift each other up. To be a better you.

Who do you know? Who do you know that could use some support or help from you? Who do you know that's struggling with their lives right now? By sharing these inspiring words on your timeline, you don't know how this might help someone. This could be the thing they need to see right now. You can literally help someone better their life.

Share the love.

Civil comments appreciated and welcome always.

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Negative Comments

Do you have people talking negatively either to your face or behind your back? 

Could it be someone you know or even a family member?

Of course it's not very nice, AND I'll bet if I were a gambling man I'd bet that you would NEVER do this to them.

Sure it's hurtful, sure it stings, yet I want you to get excited about this. Now your probably saying to yourself, has Cary lost his mind?

No I haven't. As a matter of fact it has been an unbelievable breakthrough for me when I read the phrase,

" Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change." 

Powerful words!

These negative words they're saying could be because you want to start a new business, get in better shape, or even better yourself by learning about Personal Development.

When I suggested that you get excited about this, it's because you are doing something to better your life, and the people making disempowering comments are scared. Scared that you are actually doing something with your life. That you are tired of things remaining the same in your life, and that the naysayers would have to do some work in bettering their lives, yet they're to lazy to do that. So instead of them doing the work, they would rather criticise and condemn. They want you to hang in the swill with them.

Get excited when you hear comments that are less than inspiring. Why? Because you are on the right track. Ha!

Civil comments appreciated and welcome always.

Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015



No matter who you are, no matter what you believe in. If we don't start to come together as human beings, and treat each other, as well as all living things with kindness, compassion, and respect then it's ALL for nothing. 
Look at the way we treat each other. 

How we speak to each other. All of the fighting amongst ourselves. 

Where's the honour, integrity, manners, kindness, and compassion these days?

Look at the way we treat the animals on this planet. 

Look at the way we treat the Earth.

These things I've asked you to look at are unsustainable on our present course.

I read that the commercial fishing on the west coast of the US has been suspended. You won't read about it in the main stream press because they don't want you to know about it. They don't want to frighten you.

How about the collapse of the bee population? If all the bees go; we're gone ourselves. 

How about the Factory Farming that is not only cruel and unusual punishment to the animals, but it's ruining the ecosystem. The chemicals they put into the animals are ruining you. Unsustainable.

I'm not trying to bring anyone down. I'm trying to have you take a look as to what's really going on.

I've been quiet long enough. I care about my family. I care about you. I care about the animals. I care about the planet. Once we ruin this planet, there is NOWHERE ELSE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a link to look at. Check out the 30 minute video, it's the best eye opening thing that you'll see.

There must be a change, and we are the one's to be the start of the change. It has to start somewhere. 

Who do you know? 

Who do you know that you can pass this idea on to? Could you talk about it with your family, friends, co - workers?

Just start.

Keep Moving Forward - KMF

Monday, July 27, 2015

If you could do better, should you?

If you could do better, should you?

We ALL have personal choice, yet isn't this a great question to ask yourself, and others?

 You can plug in just about anything here couldn't you?  How about health, relationships, the way you speak to others, the way you speak to yourself, money, etc....

I'll just speak about personal development; and, should you do better.

If you've been coming here and reading my posts, My intention is for you to receive inspiration, to learn about yourself and others, and to get value.

Did it possibly get you started on your never ending journey to personally developing yourself? Did it add to your journey?  Did it jump start it? How about re-jump start it? Did it plant a seed?

If you came here, that's great. I appreciate it more than words can describe.

 What would be even better is if you go and add other people, books, phrases, videos or whatever to your life so that you can continue to grow in your quest to better yourself, and "Keep Moving Forward," (KMF.)

As long as you get that, the ideas that add value into your life are what's most important. This should be paramount.

I believe everyone should invest in themselves by personally developing themselves!

The fact that the message comes from me isn't important.

What's important is what you pick up from it that helps you fine tune your life going forward into the future. That's what matters most to me.

Comments welcomed and encouraged.

Keep Moving Forward ...KMF!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Self Talk

Self Talk

What kind of self talk do you tell yourself each and every day? Is it empowering?
If it isn't, why isn't it more empowering?

How do you change it?

Did you know that you can't hold two opposing thoughts in your mind at the same time?

Example: You say to yourself that, "I'm not worthy." You can't think that you're not worthy, and hold in your mind that you ARE worthy at the same time.  It's impossible.  Try it, and see for yourself.

You can change your disempowering self talk by replacing it with empowering affirmations.
I am worthy
I am deserving
I am confident

Here's how to start changing your mindset.  Don't let the fact that it's simple, fool you into believing that it won't work.

Write these 3 affirmations down. Look at them many times a day for 30 days straight.

All you're doing is replacing one habit (Bad) with a (Good) habit.

Stick with it.  Little by little you'll start to see a change in your life.  Once you see this change you'll want more and more in your life.  More, meaning a positive change in your life.

Take consistent massive action. The results will take care of themselves.

Keep Moving Forward

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Who do you know that's Struggling in any area of their Life?

I've been listening to a lot of friends and people in general lately about how they are struggling in one area or another in their lives

 If you know someone like this, ask them questions, and be a good listener. If you want to give advice as to how to help them and their situation, ask them first. Say, " Would it be okay if...."

If they say yes, great. If they say no, great again.

You shouldn't feel hurt or rejected that they didn't want your advice, instead feel honoured that they trusted you enough to tell you what's going on in their lives.

Be there for them. Actively listen to them. Look them in the eyes. If you're not sure about something that they said, ask them to clarify so you can better understand.

Some might ask what the listener gets out of this, and to that you say - the satisfaction of knowing that I helped someone today, and didn't expect anything in return. How often does that happen these days? How many times has that happened to you today, this week, this month?

Do you want to make your life great and fulfilling? This is a wonderful way to start.

Keep Moving Forward.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Walking Dead

"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75."

- Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790

What a switched on guy he was.

 He knew that some people (actually it's most people now isn't it?) stopped growing in their lives for one reason or another. That's a shame because we all have so much potential.

Sure there are a ton of excuses.

As a matter of fact, I used to use a lot of them - emphasis on used to. How did I turn it around you say? I started with the basics. I wrote down my goals, took MASSIVE ACTION, and looked at my results.

 I know, I know, you are all sick and tired of hearing about it, yet what my mentor asked me was inspiring.  He said, " If you know all of this stuff, then why aren't you getting the results you need?" He probed deeper. "Do you even have a goal list written down?" I said that it was in my mind. "Not good enough" he said. You need to write it down and look at it many times a day.

After I finally wrote down my goals, and looked at them many times a day, along with learning about personal development on a consistent basis, I noticed that I have more passion for life. I'm extremely excited about my future. I go to bed late, and wake up early jumping out of bed ready to get the day happening.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying,"
Josey Wales - a character that Clint Eastwood played in the movie, The Outlaw and Josey Wales.

I know I said I was gong to talk about Time travel today. I'll save that for a video that I'm going to do.

Be flexible with yourself, and your life.

Keep Moving Forward

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Burn Your Ship

In 1519 an explorer named Hernan Cortez landed in Veracruz (Mexico), to begin his great conquest.

He had 600 men, approximately 16 horses, and 11 ships. That's not much considering that in the previous 600 years, better equipped armies had failed at plundering the gold, silver, jewels and other valuable objects that were in Veracruz.

When Cortez and his men landed on the beach they partied for a while drinking lots of rum when suddenly, the men noticed that ALL 11 ships were on fire. As the men watched all 11 ships burn to the water, I wonder what must have been going on in the crews minds.

I'm sure they thought, how are we going to get home.

Cortez looked at his men and said, "We'll fight and be victorious, or fight and die here!"  WOW! What a manic he was.

History shows that they fought and WON. It had never been done in the previous 600 years with better equipped armies.

Why? Why did it work?

Because he cut off any other avenue to achieve the result that he wanted.

It's easy to give up or fail when the going gets a little tough. We all hold onto that escape option don't we? Myself included.

We must learn to ACT in spite of those fears.
Set your Goals.
Enjoy the results.

Your success in any area of your life is assured if you follow this principle.
Burn Your Ships!

Tomorrow: Did you know that you can time travel?

Keep Moving Forward.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Do You Password Protect Your Mind?

We have passwords for everything these days don't we?

Passwords for eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, Banking details, getting onto your computer, email accounts, your phone etc.... I think you get the picture.

What do we have ALL of these passwords for?

To protect our information from someone who wants to do us harm in many areas of our life, financial being a BIG one. We guard the passwords like a pitbull dog lest someone gets a hold of them, and ruins our lives.

The question arises that why don't we password protect our minds?

Isn't it to keep undue influence from entering our mind so that "they" don't influence us in a negative way or so they don't sway us from the path that we are on?

If you're in sales especially, what is the word that you hear the most?

If you're trying to better your life, and your friends, and family have a negative response to what you're doing, does that effect your decision as to whether you Keep Moving Forward, or do you stop Living Your Dream because you let their negative response get to you?

What negative influences do people let in without them even realising ?

How about media influence - very powerful.

Advertising Influences - also very powerful.

Hollywood movies - enough said.

How about people close to you - friends, family?

Sometimes these are the ones we need to be password protected from the most. They mean well, yet if you're not strong in your conviction about who you are, and where you're going, you could find yourself living someone else's dream.

How do you protect yourself even after the password is in place?

Invest in yourself. Become a better you everyday, and  start by PASSWORD PROTECTING YOUR MIND......

Tomorrow: Let me know what topic you'd like me to talk about.

Keep Moving Forward

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when Plato

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July in Oz/USA family and friends! 
We're celebrating by having a healthy Vegan feast. 
Beautiful garden salad, potato salad, vegan burgers, corn-on-the-cob, followed by home-made (from scratch) apple pie and vegan vanilla ice cream.
 All organic. So good! 
As I approach 60 I am determined to be in the best shape of my life so I can enjoy my family and friends. We also had a splash of non-alcoholic champaign. As far as the health aspect goes, the whole family is on board with the journey.
 Did you notice the red, white and blue tablecloth (red runner?) Celebrating today and everyday!

Are you Worthy?

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."
Ernest Hemingway
Are there people out there thinking or acting or treating you as if they are superior too you? You probably don't have to dig hard to find that answer.
Here's the trick to nullifying that situation.
Invest in yourself.

If you invest in yourself through raising you own awareness via Personal Development everyday, and being consistent with it, you will be in balance not only with yourself, but with all things around you. It makes you immune to those kind of attacks perceived or real.

By becoming more, then and only then are you the one who is control of your destiny. If you don't control your destiny, someone else will gladly do it for you. Do you know of anyone who that's happening to? Maybe someone very close to you? Maybe.....
It's Simple!
The hard part is doing it on a consistent basis. 

Do it for one day, and see how you feel. You might not feel or see any difference.
Try it for another day. Keep on doing it one day at a time for at least 2 weeks. Keep a journal of your progress everyday. Keep coming back here for inspiration everyday. If I don't post or miss a couple of days, reread some of my previous posts. There is so much value there. 

Here's what most Personal Developement people won't tell you. Go to someone else's page or video for inspiration. WOW. Most people want you to stay on their page for guidance. Not me. I'm not afraid of losing anyone to someone else. I just want you to "be more so you can become more", and to be happy.

Keep Moving Forward


Have you ever noticed that IF you watch the evening news, and they start with, "Good Evening", and then proceed to tell you why it isn't for the rest of their broadcast. 
Why is that?
What are you feeding your mind today and everyday.
Protect what you let in.
Keep Moving Forward

Definition of Success

Word Origin and History for success
1530s, "result, outcome," from Latin successus "an advance, succession, happy outcome," from succedere "come after" (see succeed ). Meaning"accomplishment of desired end" ( good successfirst recorded 1580s.
Okay now we have the Dictionary definition of success. 
What's your definition of success?
Are you achieving your goal(s) of success?
If not, why? What's stopping you?
My definition for success is: working towards my goals each and everyday in a CONSISTENT manner. My focus is squarely on my ACTION towards those goals, and spending the least amount of time looking at my results. I used to almost always look at my results, and that wasn't very empowering. Of course I took action, yet when I took the action, and didn't get the result I wanted, it would take a little out of me each time. Over time when you get enough taken out of you, you don't want to keep taking action. I also wasn't very consistent which is a recipe for failure.
Does that sound familiar to you? Has that happened in any area of your life? Husband, Wife, Kids, Work, Boss, Friends, Relatives, or Family members?  Do you know anyone who that happens too? Hmmm.
4 Steps to Success:
1. Write your goals down at look at them throughout the day. 10%
2. Take MASSIVE ACTION towards that goal. 65%
3. Look at the results your getting and adjust accordingly. 2%
4. Be consistent with the first 3 steps. 23%
Total = 100% success
Simple, easy, yet the hardest part is most people won't do it.
I know I'm going to cop a lot of flack for these percentages and how I have them weighted. Change the percentages to how you like them if you wish. Might I suggest that you leave the "results" at a very low number. You definitely need to look at results to see what changes need to be made, yet keep the other 3 steps at high percentages.
Follow these 4 easy steps to achieve the desired results and outcomes you wish.

Tomorrow: Is your mind password protected?
Keep Moving Forward

Do you give yourself permission to succeed?

Do you give yourself permission to succeed ?
Your probably thinking, of course I give myself permission to succeed. Don't be silly. To which I answer, then why haven't you?
What are you doing everyday that will take you one step closer to your goal?
Do you even have your goals written down? If you don't, you'll never get to where you want to go. I should know, I'm living proof of that. I would have been so much farther along in my life if I had done that sooner.
I'm not whinging about it or looking back with regret, (the old me would have). I now say to myself at least I learned about it AND I'm doing something about it.
I'm using time compression to learn everything that I can about Personal Development. Your success starts with YOU, not anything or anybody else. 
Become a master of yourself so you can go out and share your wonderful findings.
I was always happy, and didn't think that I could be any happier. I was misinformed - notice how I didn't say wrong. Use more empowering words in your life.
I am star struck as to the new level of my happiness.
"To be more you have to become more"
Tomorrow's topic: The Definition of Success!
Keep Moving Forward!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Crazy World

This is a great picture/caption which sums up a lot of things in life, doesn't it? What do you do in your life that is similar to this? We are so busy that we don't even take the time to think about what we're actually doing.

If you're not getting the results you want, may I suggest that you take a deep breath, slow down, quiet your mind, and think about why you're doing what you're doing?

What's your endgame?  Is what you're doing, helping you to get to your goal/vision, or is it hurting you?

If it's not helping you, it's time to change course isn't it?  I heard a saying once, it said, "You can rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, but in the end, it's still going down."  I love that saying!
Stop rearranging your deck chairs. Figure out your goals. Write them down, and start moving towards your goal each and everyday.

Videos coming this week!!!! Yeah!!!

Keep Moving Forward!