Thursday, October 29, 2015

Supreme Happiness

"The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
~ Victor Hugo
                                  For some reason I was drawn to this song.
                     Thanks to Ruth Kavanagh and Fred May for " Caladonia Resistance."
                                                        Enjoy the song.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


"We would rather be ruined than change. 
 We would rather die in our dread
 than climb the cross of the moment and let our illusions die."
  ~ W.H. Auden,  Anglo-American Poet

What health illusions are holding you back at this moment?

Think hard.

Remember that the illusions may seem very real. They can be quite the "tricksters."
Are you counting calories, or are you counting chemicals in the so called food that you eat?
Are they nourishing calories, or empty calories that you are consuming?  Do you still feel hungry after eating?
Are you overweight or underweight?
Is your body trying to send you a signal that, hey, you haven't given it the nutrients that you need to keep YOU going in a healthy way that you were meant to be going?

There are so many stories and 'experts' in the media and all around us.  Every second person has an opinion on what has worked for them and therefore, what they claim you need to do also!

The information 'out there' is like a buffet / smorgasboard.  Try what looks / sounds good to you.  If you don't like it, don't have any more.  If it feels good, keep going.  I mean if it deeply feels good - like it resonates with your soul and not just your taste buds!  Ask questions and keep sampling!  Our bodies are always changing depending on our age, emotions, circumstances and desires.  What has worked for you for the past year or so, might not be what you need right now.  What if you saw your friend fall into ill health because they don't want to change something. Would you say something? What would you say?
How about your best friend (You.) What would you say to yourself?

When it comes to your body...this temple of your soul...what is the most important thing to you?

Remember that you have ALL the answers that you need inside of you.

All you need to do is ask, listen, and do.

Empower yourself.

Repeat after me:
~ I can do this!

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. 

Focus on the fact that you are willing to learn something new. Then watch the miracles unfold before your eyes. 

How does that feel?

~ We can do this.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Time for a Change?

You know I think most of us have it backwards, myself included. 

We have been waiting for life to open up to us, when in fact, life has been waiting for us to open up. 

Have you been waiting for a wonderful, loving expression of life to show up, or is it us that should be that wonderful, loving expression?

Are we searching for that wisdom and intelligence in the field of infinite possibilities wondering where it is, instead of trusting all that is and could ever be is waiting patiently for us to get our act together?

If what we are doing now isn't working, then I wonder; isn't it time for a change?

We can do this.....

Monday, October 12, 2015

Are You a Field of Energy?

Are we fields of energy?
Some would say "yes, absolutely" others might say "rubbish".
Your body is a minuscule fraction of who you really are. You think that your body is the main focus that makes us up don't you? If it's NOT our body that "makes" us up, then what is it?
Could it be that our frequency, energy, and vibration (which by the way is the foundation OF EVERYTHING), that we can't see, feel, or touch (because we're not evolved enough yet), is the cornerstone of life itself?!
Don't believe it?

What makes our heart beat? It's an electrical charge isn't it? How does it beat without us thinking about it?

How about our breathing?

How does our skin replace itself or heal itself?

Even though we look different on the outside, aren't we all the same on the inside?

How about an example about energy, frequency, and vibration Cary?
Glad you asked!

I went to college about 35 years ago, and I was thinking about one of my roommates with whom I lost contact with, and really haven't thought about that much over the years.. I thought, what is he up too? Did he get married, does he have children, etc...?

It was one day later that I got a message on Facebook from him! Here's the real goosebumps on the arm moment. He doesn't get on fb very much, and he literally lives half way around the world. I know that fb has been around for years, yet the kicker is the synchronicity of the event, isn't it?
Talk about freaky. WOW!
When we spoke, he said that he had just been thinking about me, and was wondering what I've been up to. When we started talking it was as if we had just seen each other a couple of days ago, not 35 years ago! (This is where you insert the "Twilight Zone music.")
Has something like this happened to you? Have you put an intention out there to the ether and has it show up in your life? If you said no, may I suggest that you try it? Become more aware of what you're thinking about, and more importantly, what you say to yourself and see what is attracted into your life.
Believe it or not, we are cell towers aren't we? We send out, and receive energy, vibrations, and different frequencies don't we?
Don't believe me? What is or isn't in your life right now? Do you have the relationship you want?Why do you keep attracting the things that you do, or don't want?
Have you ever said, why does this (always) happen to me?
What are you constantly saying to yourself or others? Is there lack or abundance in your life? Is there hate or good intentions in your thoughts or verbal words and actions? What is it that you truly want in life?
Write it down. Most people, myself included, say that I don't need to write it down because I have it all up here (pointing to their brain).
If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion: If your life is not, or has not worked out the way you "thought" it might, then wouldn't it be time to try something different so you can get a different result?
Could you possibly try the opposite of what most people are doing who haven't gotten or achieved what you want?

Does it really matter what they say?

After all, whose journey is this? Yours or theirs?

You can do this!.... heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon

Time for a Change?

You know I think most of us have it backwards, myself included. 

We have been waiting for life to open up to us, when in fact, life has been waiting for us to open up. 

Have you been waiting for a wonderful, loving expression of life to show up, or is it us that should be that wonderful, loving expression?

Are we searching for that wisdom and intelligence in the field of infinite possibilities wondering where it is, instead of trusting all that is and could ever be is waiting patiently for us to get our act together?

If what we are doing now isn't working, then I wonder; isn't it time for a change?

We can.....

Monday, October 5, 2015

Quotes by Confucius

Quotes by Confucius
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

Respect yourself and others will respect you.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Adele : Rolling in the Deep

Did you know that Adele still gets people who, even though she is highly successful, still have negative comments about/toward her, (haters.)
It's quite pathetic you know.

What do they comment about? They mainly comment about her weight.

This is from Wikipedia:

Adele was criticized by celebrities such as Karl Lagerfeld[139] and Joan Rivers[140] for her weight, but has gained the support of many others, by stating that she is happy with her weight and would only change if it affected her health or sex life.[141] In a 2009 interview, Adele stated: "I like looking nice, but I always put comfort over fashion. I don’t find thin girls attractive; be happy and healthy. I’ve never had a problem with the way I look. I’d rather have lunch with my friends than go to a gym."[21]

Here's the link for the full Wiki article:

My point is that whether you are successful or not, you have to keep doing what you are doing no matter what comments come your way. Wish the "haters" well, and move on.
You would think that the more successful you become, the less spew you hear from people. Not true.
So you might as well become successful.

Tip: If you remember anything about this post remember this: The people who are commenting negatively about you or what you are doing (as long as your not hurting anything or anybody,) are USUALLY not successful in their own lives.

Enjoy the song. She really is very talented.



Easy Button

Self-Confidence!  You either have it or you don't.

I didn't say cocky. I said Confident.
Did you know that you can learn to be confident?
Get on YouTube and look it up (Don't be lazy. Invest in yourself.)
Start each day (morning) with your daily dose of confidence. It's a life changer.
Do it for 30 days, and see if I'm wrong!

If you're in sales, mlm, direct selling, or just breathing, as you grow your self confidence, your life will change dramatically for the better!

Have you ever wondered why an immigrant that comes to your country with nothing, and in a very short time becomes well off? I don't. They hustle. They go that extra mile. While everyone else is watching reality TV, or sports, or partying, or whining about how something isn't fair, they're learning how to speak english, and how to run a business, or working on building their business (like an mlm opportunity.)

They don't try a couple of times and quit.
I'm going to be a little hard here.
I think we (myself included) have it too easy, and because of that, we're not more successful, or happier than we could be.

With this financial fertiliser storm coming soon (very soon), it's going to catch most by surprise, and they're going to be screwed. (You think I was hard, just wait.)
If you learn anything, at least learn self-confidence (personal development).

It doesn't matter what you're selling. Even if you don't know much about the product or company, the person (buyer) is buying you, NOT the product or the company. Sure you can drown them in facts until the cows come home (it will also put them to sleep), yet if you aren't sure about yourself first, they're almost never going to buy from you.

BTW: When I speak about buying from you, I'm not just talking about a product. It could be an idea that you're trying to get across. It could be that certain someone that your smitten with.

We do things for 2 reasons:
1. To move away from pain
2. To move toward pleasure

I'll speak about them tomorrow.
Until then: Keep Moving Forward (KMF)