Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Take a Leap of Faith; Faith in yourself. Ask that question you're afraid of asking that may take you to the next level in your life/business/sales/relationship. Move boldly so know matter what the answer is that you hear, that you'll move forward, and embrace it. If you hear the word "No"; don't shrivel up and die. Welcome it, expect it for when you expect it, it's not so bad is it? Of course not. Think of it this way, you're at "No" now before you ask the question aren't you? So ask away, and if they say no, then it's no big deal. BTW, when they say no, they just might need more information so ask a better question. On the bright side they just might say yes to you also. Get in the habit of being bold and sure of yourself by asking questions. You'll be so much better off for it.

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