Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Is 2016 Going to be Your Year?

Is 2016 going to be your year, or is it going to be a rehash of 2015?
Interesting question isn't it?

When you look back at 2015, didn't time just fly by?

As you get older the time seems to increase in speed doesn't it?  I made the mistake of blinking and 2015 is over.

What did I/you accomplish?  Certainly not what I wanted to that's for sure.  I'm not going to get down on myself (and neither should you) because that isn't helpful at all.  2015 wasn't a total waste.  I did learn a lot about myself, and people, and relationships (it was priceless).  I believe that you can't put a price on that, as long as you don't make the same mistakes over and over again (that's Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity isn't it?).  What does 2016 have in store for you?  Do you have a picture of it in your mind?  Did you write down what you want to accomplish?

I'll let you in on a little secret: If you don't have a picture of what you want to do, and write it down, or make a vision board, do you think 2016 might look exactly like 2015?

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Leonard Nimoy

When a woman asked Leonard Nimoy, " Are you aware that you [as Spock] are the source of erotic dream material for thousands and thousands of women around the world?" He replied, " May all of your dreams come true."

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Jim Rohn/Leadership

Did you know that the Cancer Full Moon is on December 25th this year (Christmas Day?) the las time this happened was 38 years ago in December 25,1977.
Are you feeling a little extra sensitive, emotional, spiritual, or intuitive? If so; you definitely want to set boundaries for negative people, toxic people that are either in your life or that come into your life. People that bring you down or lower your vibration. Take better care of yourself. Eat better, exercise, and get the right amount of rest. Don't get bummed about this, get excited . This New Year coming up is going to be amazing (If you want it to be.)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

3 Types of People

                  There are 3 types of people:

1. People who make it happen
2. People who talk about what happened

3. People who wonder what happened.

Which one are you, (Be honest)

Which one do you want to be?

Which one are you going to be. (Make a decision)