Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Act or be Acted Upon

Act or be Acted Upon.

Stephen R. Covey said that as well as:

"It's your responsibility to act in any given situation.
If you wait to be acted upon, you will be acted upon.
Growth and opportunity consequences attend either road."

Wow, is he ever right! Has that ever happened in your life? How did it turn out for you? Probably not as well as you would have liked it to I'm guessing. Has that happened to you (by acting or not acting), in your job, school, with an interaction with a stranger, or in a relationship perhaps?
If you did act, and it turned out well, how did that make you feel? Are you doing that on a consistent basis? If not, why not?

Make a decision as to how you would like your life to unfold. How you would like to live. Who you want to share your life with.

Did you know that you can tell something about your life by the 5 closest friends that you surround yourself with? Ask yourself, do they lift me up, or tear me down? Are they negative or positive in their thinking?  Do they enrich your life, and not ask for anything in return? Are they happy for you when you have a win, or do they try to derail your success?

There are 3 types of people out there.
1. Idea people: They always talk about ideas, and how to make things happen, or how to solve a challenge.
2. Event people: They talk about the events that are happening. Usually they have no control over those events.
3. People who talk about people; people: This type almost always talk about other people especially behind their backs. (Not very empowering or polite.)

Take an inventory of yourself. Which one are you? If you don't like what you see, "act" upon it to change your behaviour.
You NEVER have to stay where you are in your life's journey if you're not happy where you are now.
Make a decision right now. Act upon it. If you don't, you'll always get what you didn't want, won't you?
Keep Moving Forward (KMF)

Monday, September 14, 2015

If You Knew...

If you knew when you were going to die, Would you want too know?
                 Why or why not?


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wisdom from Jim Rohn

It seems that every life form on this planet strives toward its maximum potential ... except human beings. A tree does not grow to half its potential size and then say, “I guess that will do.” A tree will drive its roots as deep as possible. It will soak up as much nourishment as it can, stretch as high and as wide as nature will allow, and then look down as if to remind us of how much each of us could become if we would only do all that we can. Jim Rohn — Five Major Pieces To the Life Puzzle
